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Audio Projects

By the Frog in Hand 2020 Summer Company

Frog in Hand is proud to present our first ever AUDIO PROJECTS. These 11 audio walks and dances are each created by the 2020 Summer Company members. Imaginative sound stories that will lead you on unique adventures!

Explore below! C
reated by the 2020 Summer Company members. Imaginative sound stories that will lead you on unique adventures!

Imagination Walk by Erin Eldershaw

This is an audio walk to help connect with imagination and creativity. The listener will be slowly taken through a 10 minute exercise which will help the brain focus on creating and sustaining mental images as you interact with them in a fabricated world. This can be explored lying down, sitting in a comfortable position, or walking through any atmosphere you wish.


Credits: InspectorJ (front door opening, and footsteps on concrete repeated) _tyler7687 (bird sounds repeated) thatjeffcarter (reverberating fluctuating guitar tones repeated) kevp888 (jogger running cut from part ambiance) magnumdb (rural cars passing by) JonathanTremblay (kids playing in a park) + additional public domain All sounds taken from

Warped Reality by Kaitlyn Seibold

This audio piece is a groovy experience for the mind. For this audio experience you will need three objects. The listener chooses a comfortable position to focus on the 3 objects. Kaitlyn suggests laying down on your stomach with your objects on the floor in front of you.


*Please be advised: contains some mature language and suggested drug use


All sounds by Kaitlyn Seibold

Body Piece One by Michael Derworiz

This is an experience to help reconnect with your body. For this audio dance you will need enough space to move or a comfortable place to rest and imagine.


Voice and breath by Michael Derworiz

Music from - Glass Bass by Frankum and Frankumjay

Shower Meditation by Clarke Blair

Need a moment to relax? Try this virtual shower meditation to restart your day - shower is optional... you can find a comfortable place to move or visualize, or listen to this in your shower (keep the water off, and be careful if the floor is wet). 


All sounds either by Clarke Blair or belonging to the public domain.

Voicemail by Colleen Snell

Ready for a chill? This is an audio story told through a strange voicemail. To engage with this piece you are encouraged to find headphones if you have them for a more thrilling listening experience (optional). Find a comfortable place to listen while seated, OR if possible, listen to this work as you go for a walk outside. 


Sounds: Kingsrow (cell phone voicemail), Astounded (footsteps in the forest), Romabelenya (footsteps in the forest), ebcrosby (bear like sounds), thescarlettwich89 (bushwalking sounds), vrodge (animal breathing monster), Main voice: Colleen Snell with Ken Snell & computer generated voice sounds.

I cannot speak for you, but I will walk with you by Rohan Dhupar

This audio piece is a guided dance/movement exploration that drops you into different sections of your space using imagery inspired by events from the Civil Rights Movement, specifically events on Sunday March 7th, 1965. If you wish to fully embody and engage with this piece, a space with enough room to move through is ideal where you are able to identify a clear right side, left side, front end and back end of the space. 


Credits: Sounds by Rohan Dhupar (colinsullivan, drotzruhn, erh, fredzed, iamkaylagreen, sexinthe90s, thatjeffcarter, tripjazz, zabuhailo), and belonging to public domain

Audio-Danse: Les 4 Éléments de la Philosophie Naturelle by Zachary Bastille

(English follows below) Cet audio-danse sert de séance d'improvisation pour danseurs et acteurs de théâtre physique. Artistes de tout niveau peuvent explorer le mouvement de leur corps et stimuler leur créativité en s'inspirant des 4 éléments de la philosophie naturelle, soit la terre, l'eau, l'air et le feu. Les instructions sont simples et le paysage sonore complémente la narration.


Besoins: Un espace plus ou moins spacieux pour danser libéremment

Description This audio-dance is an improvisation session for dancers and physical theatre actors. Artists of all experience levels can explore the movement of their body and stimulate their creativity while drawing inspiration from the four elements of natural philosophy (earth, air, fire, water). The instructions are simple and the sonic landscape compliments the narration.


Needs: A space to move freely, or to imagine a dance. This audio piece is offered only in French, but you do not need to understand French to participate.

Credit: InspectorJ, JohnsonBrandEditing, ShortRecord, Selector, Suburbanwizard. Des légers changements ont été faits pour chacunes des chansons

Drawn to the Fields by Jeremy Pearson

This audio piece is about a peaceful walk you feel compelled to take. For this audio experience, simply find yourself in a comfortable position with your eyes closed, or if you'd like you could enjoy this while on an actual walk. 


All sounds either by Jeremy Pearson or public domain.

A House of Many Voices by Alice Cavanagh

Have you ever wondered how many people have lived in your home before you? How many lives these walls have witnessed? This piece takes you on a journey through your own home and allows you to share the space with voices from another time. To engage with this piece you are welcome to find a comfortable position and imagine this work while remaining stationary OR if possible, begin the piece in your bedroom and move through your home from kitchen to living room as invited. 


Credits: Voice, concept, recording by Alice Cavanagh Wjoojoo - changes made to the original track miastodzwiekow - Changes made to the original track Nickleus - Changes made to the original track JohnsonBrandEditing

Cherry Blossoms by Makenna Martinez

This is an audio dance that takes place under the cherry blossom trees in Toronto's High Park. Through this piece, Makenna wanted to explore the world through imagination and movement. For this dance you will need a space where you can explore different movements and impulses. For this audio experience you will need enough space to move around.

Credits: Sounds in the public domain & voice of Makenna (Maks) Martinez

The Eye of the Storm by Lizzie Moffatt

From destruction comes the opportunity for rebirth. Based upon real experiences of The Barrie Tornado of 1989, this audio experience explores the underestimated, beautiful power of the natural world and how we continue moving forward when disaster strikes. For this audio experience, you may find a comfortable position with your eyes closed, or take a walk to observe and experience the qualities of the natural world around you, while listening and experiencing another through your headphones. 


Sounds by Lizzie Moffatt (klankbeeld, InspectorJ, supermatt1896, maurcs, yaranik, reznik_Krkovicka, Danjocross, kantouth, MrAuralization, brunoboselli) And belonging to public domain

Image by Magdalena


Charity Number: 743642290 RR 0001

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Land Acknowledgement

We are privileged to work, live and play on the traditional territories of the Anishinabek, Haudenosaunee, and Wendat peoples - Treaty 13A territory. This territory is included in the Dish with One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, which is an agreement to peaceably share and care for the land and its resources. We understand the standard of living we enjoy here in Canada is a result of thousands of years of stewardship by the original inhabitants and the inequitable taking of the land from them. We acknowledge that in order to have reconciliation, we must first understand truth; we commit to move forward in an effort to achieve both. Our CoFounders, Colleen and Noelle, are settlers from Welsh, Ukrainian and English roots, and their heritage is but one piece of the tapestry that is Frog in Hand. Frog in Hand is a collective of artists with diverse backgrounds and histories, heritages and family stories of their own. 


We are all Treaty People. On September 30th each year we mark the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Every day we are mindful of broken covenants and we strive to make this right. We commit to collaboration based on the foundational assumption that Indigenous Peoples have the power, strength, and competency to develop culturally specific strategies for their communities. We are dedicated to honoring Indigenous self-determination, history, and culture, and are committed to moving forward in the spirit of reconciliation and respect with all First Nation, Metis and Inuit people.


Charity Number: 743642290 RR 0001

Frog in Hand receives operating support from the City of Mississauga

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