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Block Party

Premiere: Dancemakers Centre for Creation Distillery Toronto. November 2017

Man with a wooden block sitting on a wooden floor

Block Party

There is a thrill in the air. The audience chats as they enter the space; their eyes grow wide with curiosity and surprise. The room hums with sound and light. DJ Tronix (Miquelon Rodriguez) spins live, setting a groovy tone. There are square and rectangular blocks in the space - they are many sizes, like childhood toys redesigned to meet an adult scale and aesthetic. Dancers enter and activate the space, performing rhythmic, audacious movement inspired by the geometry of the blocks, which they manipulate into stacks, shapes and evolving architectures. 

This is “Block Party,” a full-length creation for five dancers. The work celebrates play and creativity with an interactive set design and live music to support the choreography. Block Party is an energetic work celebrating the power of imagination and play. The space remains alive after the performance as the room is transformed into a play space for the audience to interact, build, engage and party with the blocks while dancing to the sounds of DJ Tronix.

Students smiling as they stand around a tower of blocks
A tower of wooden blocks and audience members arranging them
Dancers in rehearsal with wooden blocks, balancing them on their arms

Block Party Information Kit

Block Party is a tour-ready work for school or community bookings.  The performance includes an interactive session reminding us all to play, imagine and build together.  Interested in hosting a Block Party?  Download the PDF information kit below to find out more, and contact us for details. 

Creative Team

Choreography: Colleen Snell 

Dancers: Kristen Carcone, David Norsworthy, Colleen Snell,

Francesca Chudnoff, Maddy Wright  

Lighting design Joe Pagnan
Costumes & Blocks Noelle Hamlyn
Stage manager Jeremy Pearson

Photography Alvin Collantes

With Thanks

The Ontario Arts Council, folks at Dancemakers Centre for Creation,

Sawmill Sid, the Block Party volunteers, Cawthra Park Secondary School. 

Image by Magdalena


Charity Number: 743642290 RR 0001

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Land Acknowledgement

We are privileged to work, live and play on the traditional territories of the Anishinabek, Haudenosaunee, and Wendat peoples - Treaty 13A territory. This territory is included in the Dish with One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, which is an agreement to peaceably share and care for the land and its resources. We understand the standard of living we enjoy here in Canada is a result of thousands of years of stewardship by the original inhabitants and the inequitable taking of the land from them. We acknowledge that in order to have reconciliation, we must first understand truth; we commit to move forward in an effort to achieve both. Our CoFounders, Colleen and Noelle, are settlers from Welsh, Ukrainian and English roots, and their heritage is but one piece of the tapestry that is Frog in Hand. Frog in Hand is a collective of artists with diverse backgrounds and histories, heritages and family stories of their own. 


We are all Treaty People. On September 30th each year we mark the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Every day we are mindful of broken covenants and we strive to make this right. We commit to collaboration based on the foundational assumption that Indigenous Peoples have the power, strength, and competency to develop culturally specific strategies for their communities. We are dedicated to honoring Indigenous self-determination, history, and culture, and are committed to moving forward in the spirit of reconciliation and respect with all First Nation, Metis and Inuit people.


Charity Number: 743642290 RR 0001

Frog in Hand receives operating support from the City of Mississauga

Read our Privacy Policy  @2024 frog in hand. logo design Syd McManus

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