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Online Offerings

Dancers in a group wearing colourful costumes

Free Frog in Hand Workshops - On YouTube!

Site Specific Series

Site Specific Episode 1: An Introduction

This is our introduction to Site Specific Work. It's also the first online class in Frog in Hand's Master Class YouTube series. Thanks for joining us! This video series on site-specific work was created by Frog in Hand’s Summer Company 2020 members: Maks Martinez, Clarke Blair, and Jeremy Pearson.

Links to:

Julie Tepperman - Kristen Carcone -

Colleen Snell -

Frog in Hand Dance Theatre video playlist -

Site Specific Episode 2: Creation

This video is about creating movement by being inspired by the space around us. In this video you will try out some Room Writing, which involves moving through your space. This video series on site specific work was created by Frog in Hand’s Summer Company 2020 members: Maks Martinez, Clarke Blair, and Jeremy Pearson.


Links to:

Julie Teperman -

Kristen Carcone -

Colleen Snell -

Room Drawing by William Forsythe -

Site Specific Episode #3 -

Frog in Hand Improvisation video playlist -

Site Specific Episode 3: Choosing A Site

This video discusses the process for choosing a site. In this video you will be doing an audio walk (which may be stationary) and an improvised site-specific dance.

Link to Alice Cavanagh’s audio walk -

This video series on Site Specific work was created by Frog in Hand’s Summer Company 2020 members: Maks Martinez, Clarke Blair, and Jeremy Pearson.


Links to:

Julie Tepperman -

Kristen Carcone -

Colleen Snell -

Site Specific Episode 4: Working with an Audience

This episode is about working with your audience. In this video you will be looking around your space critically and performing a short dance for either people or a camera. This video series on site-specific work was created by Frog in Hand’s Summer Company 2020 members: Maks Martinez, Clarke Blair, and Jeremy Pearson.


Links to:

Julie Tepperman -

Kristen Carcone -

Colleen Snell -

Denise Fujiwara -

Stories in the Woods (Frog in Hand) -

Check out Episode 3 of this series:

Site Specific Episode 5: Putting it all Together

This is our final video on this series. This class discusses production elements and examines how they can be implemented in a site specific work, using Frog in Hand’s Stories in the Woods as a case study. You will be prompted to create your own dance piece and add production elements to it. This video series on site-specific work was created by Frog in Hand’s Summer Company 2020 members: Maks Martinez, Clarke Blair, and Jeremy Pearson.


Frog in Hand’s Stories in the Woods -


Links to:

Julie Tepperman -

Kristen Carcone -

Colleen Snell -

Dance Theatre Series

Dance Theatre Episode 1: An Introduction

This video is our Introduction to Dance Theatre & Physical Theatre. This video series on Dance Theatre was created by Frog in Hand’s Summer Company 2020 members: Drew Berry, Michael Derworiz, and Lizzie Moffatt.


Links to Interviewees and other references:

Kev McCurdy –

Kim Fischer –

The Fall (Frog in Hand) -

Heart of Matter (Frog in Hand) -


Image of Michael Derworiz by Noelle Hamlyn

Dance Theatre Episode 2: Text and Movement

This video is about using Text in Movement. This video series on Dance Theatre was created by Frog in Hand’s Summer Company 2020 members: Drew Berry, Michael Derworiz, and Lizzie Moffatt.


Links to:

Kev McCurdy –

Daniel Levinson –

Image of Kaitlyn Seibold by Noelle Hamlyn

Dance Theatre Episode 3: Externalizing an Emotional Journey

This video is about Externalizing an Emotional Journey. This video series on Dance Theatre was created by Frog in Hand’s Summer Company 2020 members: Drew Berry, Michael Derworiz, and Lizzie Moffatt.


Links to:

Frog in Hand Improvisation video playlist -

Alvin Collantes -

Gaga movement language -

More audio pieces available, check out our channel

Image of Clarke Blair by Noelle Hamlyn

Dance Theatre Episode 4: Clear Intention, Clear Story

In this episode, episode 4, we are looking at clear intention; you will be building a physical, dance retelling of ‘Little Red Riding Hood through a series of physical storytelling prompts exploring Theme & Tone, Story Keys, Character and Transformation. This video series on Dance Theatre was created by Frog in Hand’s Summer Company 2020 members: Drew Berry, Michael Derworiz, and Lizzie Moffatt.


Links to:

Little Red Riding Hood -

Kev McCurdy –

Affair of Honor (Nathania Bernabe & Jackie T. Hanlin) -

Kim Fischer –

Stories in the Woods (Frog in Hand) -


Image of Michael Derworiz by Noelle Hamlyn

Dance Theatre Episode 5: Physical Abstraction

This video is about Physical Abstraction. In this video, you will be exploring abstract movement and physicality within the practice of Laban Movement and The Eight Efforts. This video series on Dance Theatre was created by Frog in Hand’s Summer Company 2020 members: Drew Berry, Michael Derworiz, and Lizzie Moffatt.


Links to:

Kev McCurdy –

Kim Fischer –

Daniel Levinson –

Block Party (Frog in Hand) -

Laban Movement & The Eight Efforts -


Image of Kaitlyn Seibold by Noelle Hamlyn

Enjoying the free content so far?

Consider supporting us on CanadaHelps!

Dance Improvisation Series

Dance Improvisation Spinoff: Choreography and Improvisation by Kaitlyn Seibold

This quick online class shares unique insight from professional dancer and Frog in Hand company member Kaitlyn Seibold. Learn tricks for making your own choreography, or bring a fresh new challenge to your dance improvisation. In this class, Kaitlyn guides you through the process of using "found movement" to create movement phrases by simply observing the world around you and translating it into dance. You do not need to be a "dancer" or a professional dancer to participate. We do recommend you do your own warm up before engaging in any physical activity, including this class.

Special thanks to the Arts and Letters Club Credits

Class created, filmed and danced by Kaitlyn Seibold

Dance Improvisation Episode 1: Body Awareness and Freedom in Movement

This episode is our introduction to improvisation. The masterclass combines theory, demonstrations and practice, and is best experienced in a space where you can move freely. Music is up to you!

This video series on improvisation was created by Frog in Hand’s Summer Company 2020 members: Zachary Bastille and Kaitlyn Seibold.


Links to Interviewees and other references:

Samuel Davilmar (dancer, choreographer, creative director) -

William Forsythe (choreographer) -​ William Forsythe Room Writing Improvisation Technologies -


Image of Kaitlyn Seibold by Kendra Epik.

Dance Improvisation Episode 2: Textures and Emotions

This episode is about using textures, emotions, and tasks to layer and enrich your improvisation. The masterclass combines theory, demonstrations and practice, and is best experienced in a space where you can move freely. Music is up to you!


This video series on improvisation was created by Frog in Hand’s Summer Company 2020 members: Zachary Bastille and Kaitlyn Seibold.


Links to Interviewees:

Alvin Collantes (certified Gaga teacher, photographer, dancer artist) -

Gaga People/Dancers -

If you would like to experiment with more situation-based exercises, here is the playlist for the 2020 Summer Company’s Audio-Walks:

Image of Zachary Bastille by Kendra Epik

Dance Improvisation Episode 3: Finding Inspiration 

This episode is about finding creative inspiration for your improvisation. The masterclass combines theory, demonstrations and practice, and is best experienced in a space where you can move freely. Music is up to you!


This video series on improvisation was created by Frog in Hand’s Summer Company 2020 members: Zachary Bastille and Kaitlyn Seibold.


Links to references:

William Forsythe (choreographer) -​ William Forsythe Room Writing Improvisation Technologies -

Image of Kaitlyn Seibold by Kendra Epik

Dance Improvisation Episode 4: Improvisation as a Choreographic Tool

This episode is about using improvisation as a choreographic tool. The masterclass combines theory, demonstrations and practice, and is best experienced in a space where you can move freely. Music is up to you!


This video series on improvisation was created by Frog in Hand’s Summer Company 2020 members: Zachary Bastille and Kaitlyn Seibold.


Further reading: “A Choreographer’s Handbook” by Jonathan Burrows

Image of Zachary Bastille by Kendra Epik

Pedagogy Series

Pedagogy Episode 1 Part 1: Safe Spaces

Welcome back to the last Master Class Series in Pedagogy! In this first part of episode 1, host Erin Eldershaw discusses creating safe and encouraging teaching environments and arts spaces.


This video series on pedagogy was created by Frog in Hand’s Summer Company 2020 members: Erin Eldershaw, Rohan Dhupar, and Jessica Cen.

Edited by: Erin, Rohan, and Jessica. Special thanks to Erin for your tireless hours in editing!



Video script to follow, written by Erin Eldershaw:

Not in our Space:


Image of Erin Eldershaw by Kendra Epik.

Pedagogy Episode 1 Part 2: Strength-based Feedback

In this second part of episode 1 in Pedagogy, host Erin Eldershaw discusses providing strength-based feedback in teaching environments and arts spaces.


This video series on pedagogy was created by Frog in Hand’s Summer Company 2020 members: Erin Eldershaw, Rohan Dhupar, and Jessica Cen. Edited by: Erin, Rohan, and Jessica. Special thanks to Erin for your tireless hours in editing!



Video script to follow, written by Erin Eldershaw:

Not in our Space: Links to Interviewees:

Daniel Levinson -

Caroline Augustin -

Jill Hollingsworth -

Kev McCurdy -

Casey Hudecki -


Image of Erin Eldershaw by Kendra Epik. 

Pedagogy Episode 2: Tools for Teaching Beginners and Non-Dancers

In this episode of the Pedagogy series, host Jessica Cen discusses the tools to teach beginners and non-dancers. In this video, you will be learning the key elements of teaching new movement, to process of regress to progress, and meeting your students.


This video series on pedagogy was created by Frog in Hand’s Summer Company 2020 members: Erin Eldershaw, Rohan Dhupar, and Jessica Cen. Edited by: Erin, Rohan, and Jessica. Special thanks to Erin for your tireless hours in editing!


Links to Interviewees and other references:

Room drawing exercise link -

Daniel Levinson -

Caroline Augustin -

Jill Hollingsworth -

Kev McCurdy -


Image of Jessica Cen by Kendra Epik.

Pedagogy Episode 3: Creative vs Training Process

The final episode of the Pedagogy series, hosted by Rohan Dhupar, explores the creative process versus the training process, and building on each process. In this video, you will also be doing various exercises. Let's move!


This video series on pedagogy was created by Frog in Hand’s Summer Company 2020 members: Erin Eldershaw, Rohan Dhupar, and Jessica Cen. Edited by: Erin, Rohan, and Jessica. Special thanks to Erin for your tireless hours in editing!


Links to Interviewees and other references:

Caroline Augustin -

Jill Hollingsworth -

Frog in Hand Improvisation video playlist -

Frog in Hand Dance Theatre video playlist -


Image of Rohan Dhupar by Kendra Epik. 

Disclaimer: The use of any information provided is solely at your own risk and holds Frog in Hand harmless from any and all losses, liabilities, injuries, or damages from any and all claims. The material and information contained in this video meant for general informational and entertainment purposes only. No information is meant to be taken as legal advice, medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, for either personal or business reasons. Nothing stated or posted on this channel are intended to be, and must not be taken to be, the practice of medical or counselling care. The practice of medicine and counselling included, without limitation, psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy, or providing health-care treatment, instructions, diagnosis, prognosis, or advice. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional. Do not disregard, avoid, or delay obtaining medical or health-related advice from your health-care professional because of something you may have read or viewed on the channel. Such information is continually under development and Frog in Hand makes no warranty of any kind, implied or express, as to its accuracy, completeness or appropriateness for any purpose. In that regard, developments in medical research and education may impact the health, fitness, and instructional advice that appears here. No assurance can be given that advice contained on this channel will always include the most recent findings or developments with respect to the particular material. Materials included in interviews are the personal opinions of the individuals.

These digital offerings were created with the generous support of our funders:

Image by Magdalena


Charity Number: 743642290 RR 0001

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Land Acknowledgement

We are privileged to work, live and play on the traditional territories of the Anishinabek, Haudenosaunee, and Wendat peoples - Treaty 13A territory. This territory is included in the Dish with One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, which is an agreement to peaceably share and care for the land and its resources. We understand the standard of living we enjoy here in Canada is a result of thousands of years of stewardship by the original inhabitants and the inequitable taking of the land from them. We acknowledge that in order to have reconciliation, we must first understand truth; we commit to move forward in an effort to achieve both. Our CoFounders, Colleen and Noelle, are settlers from Welsh, Ukrainian and English roots, and their heritage is but one piece of the tapestry that is Frog in Hand. Frog in Hand is a collective of artists with diverse backgrounds and histories, heritages and family stories of their own. 


We are all Treaty People. On September 30th each year we mark the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Every day we are mindful of broken covenants and we strive to make this right. We commit to collaboration based on the foundational assumption that Indigenous Peoples have the power, strength, and competency to develop culturally specific strategies for their communities. We are dedicated to honoring Indigenous self-determination, history, and culture, and are committed to moving forward in the spirit of reconciliation and respect with all First Nation, Metis and Inuit people.


Charity Number: 743642290 RR 0001

Frog in Hand receives operating support from the City of Mississauga

Read our Privacy Policy  @2024 frog in hand. logo design Syd McManus

outline of a white frog sitting


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